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2017 UTBEF Agenda

October 28, 2017 @ 11:30 am - 7:00 pm

With the sponsor from Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan, R.O.C. and the support from the Science & Technology Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco (S&T Div., TECO in SF), 2017 marks the 10th year of US-Taiwan Biomedical Engineering Forum (UTBEF) which has been envisioned as a forum that will help establish a bridge between US and Taiwan for advancing medical device and biotechnology industries. It’s also a proper juncture in time for us to cast the foresight for the next 10 years.

Since Silicon Valley Taiwanese American Industrial Technology Association (TAITA-SV) first took over the execution role in coordinating this forum in 2014, we had covered the whole spectrum of medical device industry from idea to startup and to product launch. Many topics such as innovation, development and commercialization, art of fundraising, regulatory compliance and distribution channel establishment were discussed and analyzed in depth at this forum. As we approach the 10th year milestone, the planning committee decided to take a broader view on the biomedical industry beyond the medical device at the 2017 UTBEF with the theme “The Dynamics of Biomedical Industries: Main Stream, New Trends and Avoiding Money Pits”.

The 2017 UTBEF is featured with four outstanding keynote speakers with distinctive industry-leading track records in their respective sectors in biotech industry.  The keynote speakers will share their key insights and provide a high-level guidance for the industry’s evolutions of now and the future. Additionally, we are holding a panel discussion to address “New Trends in Biomedical Engineering”. This panel aims to provide a refreshing perspective on the fast-emerging biomedical engineering sector such as digital health, combination of big data and medical devices.

We are pleased to have Dr. Judy Chou of Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Dr. Jo Shen of Vivo Capital and former President & CEO of ScinoPharma, and Dr. Alex Dai of ShineIn Biotech, as well as the young entrepreneurs such as Dr. Tak Cheung of Merieux Development Venture Fund, Dr. Bryan Chen of Vida Health, Dr. Adam Mendelsohn of Nano Precision Medical and Anand Sheel of Terapede Systems to be part of this event.  The planning committee has envisioned UTBEF as a platform for sharing ideas and stimulating dialogues, and we look forward to seeing sparks among the speakers and interaction between speakers and audiences.

We would like to express our gratitude to all the speakers, planning committee members, volunteers and collaborations of Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE), Monte Jade (MJ), North America Taiwanese Engineers’ Association (NATEA), Chinese Bioscience Association (CBA), Chinese American Semiconductor Professional Association (CASPA) and Chinese Information and Networking Association (CINA) for making this event possible.  And we encourage you, the attendees, to check out our past events and reach out to TAITA-SV and UTBEF planning members for comments, suggestions and collaborations.  On behalf of the UTBEF planning committee, we welcome you to the forum!

Tom C.C. Yeh (Director, S&T Div. TECO in S.F.)
Wilson Hung (Board of Directors, TAITA-SV)

This agenda is now available for download here.

Time Program
11:30 – 12:30 Registration / Lunch
12:30 – 12:45 Opening Remarks
12:45 – 13:30 Topic: What’s Now and What’s New for Biopharmaceuticals?
Dr. Judy Chou, SVP and Head of Biotech, Bayer Pharmaceuticals
13:30 – 14:10 Topic: Challenges & Opportunities of Starting Up and Running Biotech Companies in Taiwan
Dr. Jo Shen, Venture Partner, Vivo Capital
14:10 – 14:30 Break
14:30 – 15:10 Topic: The innovation on six global mainstreams of biomedical technologies – ShineIN Biotech’s approach
Dr. Alex Dai, CEO of ShineIN Biotech
15:10 – 15:50 Topic: Trends in Medical Device Investing
Dr. Tak Cheung, Venture Partner, Merieux Development Venture Fund
15:50 – 17:25 Panel Discussion: New Trends in Biomedical Engineering
(1) Dr. Tak Cheung, Venture Partner, Merieux Development Venture Fund
(2) Dr. Bryan Chen, Head of Business Development & Strategy, Vida Health, Inc.
(3) Dr. Adam Mendelsohn, CEO of Nano Precision Medical
(4) Anand Sheel, President & CEO of Terapede Systems Inc.
17:25 – 17:30 Closing Remarks
17:30 – 19:00 Reception / Networking at Plug and Play Tech Center


October 28, 2017
11:30 am - 7:00 pm
Event Category:


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